Tweeting and the Twitter

First, I’d like to apologize for that last post cause if I ever get men viewing this I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate the TMI that I had going on.

So into the real post for today..


Twitter hasn’t really been around all that long, it was created in 2006. But it is a beast of a social media with it’s 140 character max. I never got into it for a long time, part of that being that I didn’t have a phone capable nor the data capable to really tweet the way everyone does.

A few years ago I tried it, and found that I didn’t know what to tweet about. I’m not the person that tweets their every move because frankly, that’s creepy to me, so I was at a loss. Plus the whole hashtag thing just went over my head. So I walked away, perfectly content with not being a tweeter.

Last year, I tried once again. This time however my motives were to try and make a web presence because I was making another novel attempt. I made a website, had a blog to document my journey, and even made a Facebook page. I tweet random things on occasion, prompts from those I follow or to the local morning DJ’s who I find hilarious.

But what I still find amusing is when someone follows me. I rarely, if ever, know who these people are and yet they are choosing me to follow. Why? I have no flipping clue. I don’t have a ton of followers, I don’t post awesome quotes or funny anecdotes. I just say whatever, whenever but I know that it isn’t anything major. Yet every so often I’ll get a spurt of three or so people that follow me, one right after the other.

I follow celebrities, I think a part of me hopes that one will follow me back, or respond to something random that I tweeted to them. It’s utterly ridiculous, I know it. But I almost always follow those that follow me because…well..isn’t it rude not to? I know there aren’t many that read this but maybe this would be a good time to get some interaction going.

Any readers have any funny Twitter stories or opinions on the twitter world all together? Post a comment! I DARE YOU!

One thought on “Tweeting and the Twitter

  1. I fianlly created a Twitter account. have not posted ONE single thing, and randomly get notifications of someoneI have never heard of “following” me. I do not understand Twitter, nor do I understand hashtag.


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