My job…and other things.


I’m at lunch, on my phone. What a view! I can enjoy that thing called Sun without actually having to be in it. Pretty right? This isn’t going to be a long post. Just a little share. Those neighbors went to sleep and so did I, now I’m wondering what the he’ll I’m gonna do with this blog.

I think I’ll find article to talk about. Oh I know. Next post will be on why in the hell are parents forgetting and leaving their kids to die in hot cars! That’s like a current event! People blog about stuff like that right?

Yeah ok. Gotta pull some research now, Ooo work. Which reminds me that lunch is almost over. Enjoy my imaginary peeps. (Imaginary because I have no followers yet) 

Apartment Living..

Okay so my husband and I have been living in the same place for three years now. First year was awesome. Second and this last yearwellif there was something worse than sucking balls, that would describe our experiences. We’ve had three ‘neighbors’ living above us and only one was decent enough to not be around so we lived in the delusional world that the apartments were pretty quiet. Then a couple of yahoos moved in who were completely disrespectful of the fact that they lived on a second floor. They were loud, obnoxious, and just annoying to the point that were complaining to the landlady just wasn’t enough and my husband took to banging on the ceiling.

Finally, in what we thought was a victory, they chose to leave instead of being moved to another apartment within the complex. We were free at last, right?!


Our new neighbors, are also kind of loud, obnoxious and annoying. They just concluded a fight in which I heard him say. “Fuck it, I’m done,” Between the fighting and the T.V. so loud that I can only assume they both have some kind of hearing problem, to the walking around the apartment more times than anyone should walk around a damn apartment, I don’t know what’s worse.

Of course it doesn’t help that we are going to be house hunting soon and in turn will be taking on a ‘month to month’ lease. So we have to suck it up and deal with them until we can leave.


Yes, I said it. Ugh. It’s frustrating. We have a two year old, and my seven year old on the weekends and while they don’t seem bothered by the noise at this point I just want to go up there and nut punch someone. Or vagina punch. That would work too.

Plus it’s 12:38am and I have to work, I should be sleeping but I spent the last hour making a blog and like all that crap.


PS. I like to say bad words, this is your forwarning that if you don’t like the occasional, “Shit, Damn or Fuck,” then you might as well just turn around… walk away and tell yourself that you didn’t “Seeee anything,” like those penguins from Madagascar. (Cartoon,)

That concludes this post. I know it was a winner, why don’t you tell me just how much?!

Blogging, what’s all that about?

I’ve come to the realization that blogging is like the thing to do, and while I don’t want to be that chick that just does whatever anyone else does, I’d be lying if I said I never wanted to blog. I’ve triedand failedmore times than I can count. So I see that you know what? Blogging is hard. Finding a topic, finding a look, making a brand, getting yourself out there. These are all the tips, all the things that I’ve read. “Oh, it’s easy, just do this!” well you know what random internet person.

It’s not that easy, yo.

I have always had a long desire to be a writer, and while I don’t really see myself ever completing the four novels I’ve tried and failed to start, I think I have a voice. I have feelings. I have thoughts!..and stuff.

P.S. I like using “…” a lot. So, ya know, get used to it. Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh yeah. So writing. I enjoy it, I think that there are times where I’m good at it, but I know that it’s a pipe dream to think I’ll be published. So blogging is what I hear is like the next great thing. Get yourself a web presence by having a blog. I doubt this will get far. On top of the many other things that are wrong with my wonderful personality, I tend to quit when things get too damn tough.

But anyway, here is the opener. The beginning to all my rants and opinions. To all the things that I want to say, that aren’t centralized or focused because “I ain’t got time for that,” and if I’m lucky, this will be a little more fun than all those other failed attempts.

I make no promises though, but I can be a little hopeful right?