My Novel Ideas…Get it?

Okay so I’m all over the place but today I feel like I’m going to lay down the attempts at Novels that never went anywhere. I feel like it would be a good way to see if maybe I could get back into them, maybe not. I don’t know. I’m also trusting that I won’t find these ideas published on me…cause that would like TOTALLY SUCK!



Novel One: Bloody Love. Yes I know the title sucks.

Main Plot Idea: It was a vampire/vampire love story. I thought that we see so many vampire/human stories out there that it would be a nice change to see a love story between two vampires. One being a generally evil vampire, evil in the sense that she had no regard for human life and enjoyed killing. The other being a generally good vampire, good in that he didn’t kill those he fed on but he wasn’t one of those annoying “I wish I wasn’t a vampire” vampires. I hate those. The idea was that she would come to where he lived and killed one of the ladies he uses for ‘food’ and they fall into a bit of a feud.

She would attempt to find those that he was close to and kill them just because she felt like it and he had to stop her. Along the way, a gruesome way I might add, they found some crazy feelings in there. I knew how I wanted it to end. It would be awesome.

Reason for Failure: I was all over the place from the beginning. I worked of various chapters but nothing really got tied together and eventually it just felt bad. I couldn’t decide on a tense and kept flip flopping. So I just stopped trying.

Pick it back up?: I think I’d have to toss the crap that I had and start over if I were to try this again. I like the idea, I like the ending. It’s the execution and pulling it all together I am unsure about.



Novel Two: Fading Reality.

Main Plot Idea: Basically it was in the POV of a rich bitch teenager that treats everyone horrible, including her parents. An event happens between her and this old lady who curses her. She can’t sleep for days on end and has to see a shrink. Suddenly she starts sleeping again but when she sleeps she enters a completely different world. Where she is just a servant who has to work her ass off every day. The idea was that it was going to be a nice YA moral fantasy story. There would be a big climax and she’d have to choose what world she wanted to live in.

Reason for Failure: I had trouble with the tense. Originally I wanted the “Real World” chapters to be in one tense and the “Dreams” to be in a different one. So that got confusing. I had trouble getting the Dreams right and not having the MC seem to unlovable. Plus the “event” I couldn’t figure out the most plausible way that would give some old lady a reason to curse this girl. I just stopped. It was the first novel that I tried to just write through, without edits but I couldn’t do it.

Pick it up again?: I would love to. I enjoyed the idea behind it and I think I could do it, just need to plan better and get the major stuff figured out.



Novel Three: Haunted Possession. Such a crappy title. I know.

Main Plot Idea: The novel was to be in the perspective of a young girl that was in a mental hospital for the murder of her college roommate. It was to be a horror. This girl at the ability to see and speak with ghosts and other paranormal entities. Her friend became possessed by a highly evil entity and they had come under the impression that if her friend died, so would the entity. However that wasn’t the case because after being institutionalized for a year this evil thing comes to haunt her and call all manner of trouble. Another one with the ending all planned out!

Reason for Failure: I just got stuck on pulling the ending together with the rest. Time and life took me a way and eventually I just didn’t know how to continue it. It’s the most I’ve ever written over 25k in words.

Pick it up again?: Absolutely. I’d love to really get this finished. I think it’d be a lot of fun. I had about five or six more chapters to really get it all pulled together. Maybe one day!


Novel Four: Whispering Pines.

Main Plot idea: This was to be my attempt at NANOWRIMO. It went through like three revisions before day four which should have been my clue but the idea was for this to be a more YA novel again. In the perspective of a ghost, trapped in his home when a young girl that can see ghosts moves in. They develop a relationship but there is trouble along the way, first the varsity football player tries to make a play at her, but she doesn’t know he’s a werewolf. Then her newest best friend is a vampire who can see him too and flirts with him. She finds out she’s a witch and the three of them have to work together to save the town. I thought that this could be an interesting series in the perspectives of different characters for each book.

Reason for failure: I didn’t really put a lot of effort into it and gave up without really trying.

Pick it up again?: I would. I think it’s different enough, that I could make it very unique and fun. Just have to sit down and do it.


So that’s it. My four attempts at getting nowhere. If you all have any thoughts on any of these ideas feel free to comment about them. You can tell me they are stupid, great or even throw me some encouragement.